Hdclone professional 4.1
Hdclone professional 4.1

hdclone professional 4.1

But in case of more frequent usage, we recommend using one of the higher editions since they offer higher performance in the first line but also support a wider range of hardware as well as additional options which are optimized for regular or professional usage. The Free Edition is real freeware without obligation to buy and is intended for the short-term usage at no cost. This can be utilized to migrate an existing installation to a new hard disk as well as for data rescue. The Free Edition of HDClone offers all necessary abilities to copy a complete hard disk onto another, larger hard disk. Depending on the sizes of the hard disks, a complete or abridged image of the source disk will be created. HDClone copies the content of hard disks on a physical level from one disk to another hard disk.

Hdclone professional 4.1